Wednesday 14th February - Ash Wednesday - 10:00 Said Eucharist with imposition of ashes at St. Peter's
- 20:00 Sung Eucharist with imposition of ashes at St. Augustine's
Wednesday 21st February for five weeks
- 19:00 for 19:30 start Lent Discussions 'Faith and Music"
Sunday 10th March - Mothering Sunday - 09:30 Parade Eucharist at St. Augustine's
- 11:00 All Age Eucharist at St. Peter's
Sunday 24th March - Palm Sunday - 09:30 Liturgy of Palms at St. Augustine's
- 11:00 Sung Eucharist at St. Peter's
Monday 25th March - Holy Monday - 20:00 Compline at St. Peter’s
Tuesday 26th March - Holy Tuesday - 20:00 Taize at St. Augustine's
Wednesday 27th March - Holy Wednesday
- 20:00 Stations of the Cross at St. Peter'
Thursday 28th March - Maundy Thursday - 20:00 Liturgy and watch at St. Augustine's
Friday 29th March - Good Friday - 14:00 Liturgy at St. Peter's
Sunday 31st March - Easter Day - 09:30 Sung Eucharist at St. Augustine's
- 11:00 Sung Eucharist at St. Peter's